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Exterior view of brown casement windows with divided lites on a white brick home
Window Grids Guide
Learn more about window grids, grilles, simulated divided lites, grilles-between-the-glass to find the look that fits your house the best.
Window Grids Guide
A man carries a white Marvin Replacement window with divided lites.
Types of Window Glass
There are several types of window glass and options to choose. Learn how specific types of glass can benefit your home. Marvin Replacement can tailor glass options to fit your home the best.
Window Glass Types
single hung window tan exterior
Fiberglass vs. Vinyl Windows
What are the differences between fiberglass and vinyl windows? Find out why Ultrex fiberglass is a cut above other materials.
Fiberglass vs. Vinyl Windows
A man in a blue shirt holds on to the lower sash of a Marvin Replacement window.
Why Choose Ultrex Fiberglass?
Marvin Replacement windows and patio doors use Ultrex® fiberglass because of its strength and durability. Find out more about Ultrex and its benefits.
Why Ultrex Fiberglass?